The Book of Hours from the Royal College-Seminary of Corpus Christi (Valencia): A gift from Philip the Fair to Juan Alonso Pérez de Guzmán?
Book of hours, Flemish art, miniatures, Philip the Fair, Guzman, Louis XII, Bruges, Ghent, Alexander Bening, Simon Bening, Gerard Horenbout, giftAbstract
This article studies the “Book of Hours of Philip the Fair” from the Royal College-Seminary of Corpus Christi in Valencia, with the aim of pointing out its possible clients and recipients. In view of the coats of arms that it contains, it can be considered that this Flemish manuscript was among the possessions of Juan Alonso Pérez de Guzmán, III Duke of Medina Sidonia, reaching the properties of the Count-Duke of Olivares by family inheritance. Subsequently, the question of whether the book entered the duke’s possession by acquisition or by donation is addressed, proposing Philip the Fair as its patron and Louis XII of France as its first intended owner.
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