The utility of spanish documentary heritage for the reconstruction of the history of the climate and its impact on society




climate, History, reconstruction, documentation, floods, droughts, storms, earthquakes


The reconstruction of the climate in the past has been made using a lot of techniques such as carbon 14, sediment analysis, paleobotany, paleozoology ... In contrast to all this, the Spanish documentary heritage is extremely rich in data on droughts, floods, storms, earthquakes... not only concerning to Spain, but also almost the entire planet. Not always sufficiently explored, this article intends to show the enormous possibilities that this heritage offers to know the climate of the past and its impact on society from the Middle Ages to the present.


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How to Cite

RODRÍGUEZ LAJUSTICIA, F. S. (2018). The utility of spanish documentary heritage for the reconstruction of the history of the climate and its impact on society. Santander. Estudios De Patrimonio, (1), 155–180.