About the Journal

Santander. Estudios de Patrimonio is an annual scientific journal published by the University of Cantabria. It is made up of three sections: a first section with articles open to any doctoral researcher on the various aspects covered by Historical, Territorial and Artistic Heritage -without limitation of place or time-; a second section where original research by doctoral students is published, as well as those arising from the Master's Thesis. This section also includes advances of works and state of the art of new research by future PhD students. The journal also includes a third section with reviews of recent publications on heritage.

The journal is open to all types of external collaboration and the participation of heritage researchers in Spanish, English, Portuguese, French or Italian. Before the publication, the works and papers are analyzed by the iThenticate software andare revised by blind peer review, pointing out the section where the works have been sent.

The authors will be notified of any evaluations and observations that may occur. If the manuscripts sent mus be modificied, the authors must incorporate the changes. The editors will communicate the final acceptance or not of the writings.

The texts of the journal are addressed to the scientific community without neglecting the public interested in heritage.

[If needed, on these links you can find a step by step guide to register and submit your articles:

a.- guide to register and submit your paper;

b.- a guide to uploading your paper


Storage, preservation of the journal and databases:

The complete volumes of the journal and their papers are permanently stored in the archives of the University of Cantabria Web Services and in UCrea. In addition, issues of the journal are preserved in the Public Knowledge Project - Preservation Network (PKP/PLN) LOCKSS; also in the Proyect JASPER (CLOCKSS). Apart from the guarantees of the OJS journals, the content is also stored in Recolecta and Dialnet, because Santander. Estudios de Patrimonio is an e-Dialnet journal with its complete texts stored in Dialnet.

In addition, the texts of the journal can be found in

UCrea –open repository of the University of Cantabria– 


CBOA (Communication based on Open Access),

CIRC (Clasificación integrada de revistas científicas),


DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals),






Latindex (Catálogo v2.0),




REBID (Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico),

Recolecta (Buscador),

Regesta Imperii,

RILM Database Coverage,



Sherpa Romeo,

SJR. Scimago Journal & Country Rank,



UNE (Unión de Editoriales Universitarias Españolas),

VU Journal Publishing  guide. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,

Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index),


Also, Internet Archive ScholarGoogle Scholar, Microsoft Academic, Semantic Scholar, LA Referencia.

In order to properly and unequivocally identify the texts, each article has a DOI –Digital Object Identifier– number assigned, which is managed by Crossref through Ediciones Universidad de Cantabria.

Anti plagiarism, relationship with readers:

Before publication, the papers are analyzed using iThenticate software for plagiarism. Additionally, the report generated by iThenticate will be delivered to the reviewers (blind peer reviewed).

Readers can comment and annotate published articles using the Hypothes.is software which is also very useful for researchers (see the software's tutorials page). 

For more information, read the sections Submissions and Publication ethics and Best Practices of the journal.