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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission hasn't been previously published, nor has it been sent to another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided to the Editor in the Comments).
  • The file submitted has been written in Microsoft Word -preferably with the corresponding template- or the file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF format.
  • Whenever possible, URLs for the references will be provided.
  • The text submitted is written in Microsoft Word using the appropiate template or it has simple line spacing; 12 points font size; italics are used instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); and all the illustrations, figures and tables that have been done with the editing program are placed in the appropriate places in the text, rather than at the end of the file. Photographs, maps and graphics must be in jpg format and must fulfil the Author Guidelines.
  • The text fulfils the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The illustrations and photographs added belong to the author and, therefore, he/she has all the rights over them. In addition, the author gives the journal the rights for its publication. If the author doesn't own the illustrations, he/she will be in charge of requesting the reproduction permits.
  • The text of the file cites the bibliography as indicated in the Author Guidelines.
  • The author(s) of the paper have read and agree with the Publication ethics and good practices of the journal. The author(s) strive to avoid conflicts of interest or any other corporate, business, social, sexual, political or religious influence. In addition, in the writings sent to the journal they do not discriminate against other people based on personal characteristics or identity.
  • The author(s) declare that the text is their own and that all the signatories have contributed significantly to the research, so that all authors have the ability and responsibility to publicly defend that paper.
  • The author(s) are obliged to participate in the peer review and to modify and correct any errors that are observed. In addition, the author(s) are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes
  • The text is not part of a whole or part of a scholarly work to be uploaded to an institutional repository in the near future.

Author Guidelines

Remember: If you have trouble registering before submitting an paper, please contact

[If needed, on these links you can find a step by step guide to register and submit your articles:

a.- guide to register and submit your paper;

b.- guide to upload your paper]

The journal does not charge any amount to the authors for sending, processing, or publishing their articles.

Before you submit your manuscript, please read the instructions for authors and review the previous checklist to ensure that your manuscript fulfis the following requirements.


The papers, works, and reviews sent to this journal have to be unpublished andoriginal, and they don't have to be approved for their publication in any other entity. The Spanish language is prioritised, but may be submitted in any of the accepted languages (English, French, Portuguese and Italian).

The texts, illustrations and any other documents have to be sent through the online system of this journal's website. If necessary, they can also be sent by email to or by postal service addressed to the chief editor or the secretary of the journal (Santander. Estudios de Patrimonio, Avda. de los Castros, 52. 39005 – Santander (España).

The texts will be written preferably using the provided templates, or in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.

If the suggested templates are not used, the text must have simple line spacing; 12 point font size; italics will be used instead of underlining (excepting the URL addresses). Notice that the illustrations, figures, and tables created with the text editing program are situated in the appropriate places of the text. It doesn't happen with the photographies, maps, and graphics, which have to be in jpg format and have to fulfill the Author Guidelines (they will be sent through the pertinent system in the section of submissions).

The texts will be preceded by a first page in an individual file with the title of the work, the name of the author or authors, their academic address and condition, their institutional email and telephone number and their ORCID number (if they don't have that number, it can be obtained registering for free in It will be also shown in the first page the date of the submission of the work. Please use for the first page the pertinent template that can be downloaded below.

The first page of the text sent to the sections "Papers" and "Initiated researches" has to include the title in Spanish and English. It will also contain a summary of no more than 80 or 100 words in Spanish and English, and between 4 and 9 keywords in Spanish and English.

The texts of the section "Papers" will have a maximum of 30 pages (a larger extension, which is not recommended, will require special approval).

The works of the section "Initiated researches" (writings by doctoral students or non-doctoral researchers) will have an upper limit of 12 pages, or at most 15 pages.

The "Reviews" will not exceed 3 pages. They will start with the identifying data of the analysed book: author, title, city, publisher and year; they will be cited as it is said for the bibliographic quotes. It will be also added the ISB number and a digital copy of the cover of the reviewed book in jpg format. At the end of the review, there will be the name and surname/s of the review's author, including the academic or scientific institution that he/she belongs to.

Templates for the manuscript:


When saving your text for the first time on your computer, choose Save As and enter a name that you consider appropriate DO NOT SAVE ON THE TEMPLATE. Choose the extension .doc or .docx for the file (this will be the file that will upload to the magazine's platform). When you want to continue with the text, open the file that you have saved and, henceforth, do not use the template, unless you are forced to start for any reason.

To guarantee the anonymous review of the paper, take care not to introduce any personal information that allows you to identify it. When you do not use the template because you have saved the file with the appropriate name, go to the File menu of the program, select Options, and then General: see that in Customize the copy of Microsoft Office your name does not appear or any other and, if necessary, erase the name. Review this circumstance again when you have finished the text and verify that you can not be identified through the metadata of the file that is displayed in Options of your word processor.

In case of not using the templates provided in the previous section, the type of letter or font will be Times New Roman. The text format will be written in 12 point font size with simple line spacing. The notes will be always footnotes and will be ordered with Arabic numerals, with 10 point font size and simple line spacing. The epigraphs of the texts will be ordered in the following way: 1. Epigraphs of the first level, with 12 point font size in small caps and bold letter; 1.1 Epigraphs of the second level, with 12 point font size letter in italics. The epigraphs of the third level (1.1.1) will be written with the same typography but in Roman letters, even though their use is not recommended.

The system of quotations:

The quotes will be put between quotation marks, integrated into the main text.

The bibliography quoted in the footnotes will follow these rules, compliant with UNE-ISO 690 (May 2013 edition):


SURNAME(S), (comma) Name(s), (comma) Title of the book in italics, (comma) Volume (if applicable), (comma) Place, (comma) Publisher, (comma) year. (full stop)


BOBBIO, Norberto, Autobiografia, Roma, Laterza, 1999.


The same as in the previous case, but the nouns of the authors are linked with the conjunction "and". 


OLCINA CANTOS, Jorge and MARTÍN VIDE, Javier, La influencia del clima en la historia, Madrid, Arco Libros, 1999.


 In this case, the authors are separated with a semicolon (;) excepting the last author, who is linked with the conjunction "y".


CREUS, José; PEÑA, José Luis; BARRIENDOS, Mariano; MORENO, Ana; GONZÁLEZ, Penélope; SANCHO, Carlos; VALERO, Blas; PÉREZ, Augusto; SAZ, Miguel A. and CONSTANTE, Ana, “Los estudios de Paleoclimatología en España”, en CUADRAT PRATS, José María y MARTÍN VIDE, Javier (eds.), La Climatología española. Pasado, presente y futuro, Zaragoza, Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2007, pp. 249-262.


SURNAME(S), (comma) Name(s), (comma) “Title of the chapter between quotation marks”, (comma) in SURNAME(S), (comma) Name of the person in charge followed by his/her category (ed., coord., dir., etc.), (comma) Title of the work in italics, (comma) Place, (comma) Publisher, (comma) year, (comma) Number of the volume (if applicable), (comma), p. o pp. (page or pages) first and the last page of the text. (full stop)


BASCUÑÁN AÑOVER, Óscar, “Caciquismo, cambio social y conflicto en la Restauración”, en VALLE CALZADO, Ángel Ramón del (coord.), Historia agraria de Castilla-La Mancha siglos XIX y XXI, Toledo, Almud, 2010, pp. 197-238.


SURNAME(S), (comma) Name(s), (comma) “Title of the paper between quotation marks”, (comma) Title of the Journal in italics, (comma) number of the journal (and if applicable, sub-number separated by a forward slash) year (between brackets), (comma) p. o pp. (page or pages) first and last page of the paper. (full stop)


DÍAZ IBÁÑEZ, Juan, “Escándalos, ruydos, injurias e cochilladas. Prácticas de violencia en el clero catedralicio burgalés durante el siglo XV”, Anuario de estudios medievales, 42/2 (2013), pp. 543-576.

Examples of Newspaper:

“El último Ukase”, Lo crit d’Espanya. Semanari carlista ilustrat, Barcelona, II/44 (3 de enero de 1890), pp. 3-6.

PARDO BAZÁN, Emilia, “Desde la Montaña. II. El solar de Quevedo y el palacio de Soñanes”, La Época, Madrid, XLVI/15 060 (21 de agosto de 1894), p.1.


If the consulted publication was read on the internet, it will be referred as in the mentioned cases (either with books, book chapters or periodic publications) but at the ned we will avoid to include excessively long hyperlinks (longer than a line), creating an abbreviated URL with a trustworthy program if necessary. Before the link it will be written "available":

Example of online publication:

LOSADA VAREA, Celestina, "El arquitecto jesuita Juan Fernández de Bustamante (ca. 1560-1606) y la iglesia parroquial de Lantadilla (Palencia)", Boletín del Seminario de Estudios de Arte y Arqueología (BSAA arte), 83 (2017),  pp. 47-70; available: .

Example of citation of an image from the Internet:

The Parthenon Sculptures; available:

In the consecutive quotations of works that have been already quoted, it is required to mention the name of the author, the first words of the work and the page or pages alluded have to be mentioned. Expressions like “op. cit.”, “idem”, “ibid”, "vide", etc. will never be used.


First quotation:

SPEELBERG, Femke, Fashion & Virtue. Textile Pattern and the Print Revolution, 1520-1620, New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2015, pp. 10-13.

HERNÁNDEZ CARRÓN, Luis Alfonso and SÁNCHEZ POZÓN, Luis, “Catálogo de mitos juveniles: de Ivanhoe a Elvis”, Puertas a la lectura, 1 (1996), p. 7.

Second and subsequent quotations:

SPEELBERG, Femke, Fashion & Virtute…, p. 25.

HERNÁNDEZ CARRÓN, Luis Alfonso and SÁNCHEZ POZÓN, Luis, “Catálogo de mitos…”, p. 8.

BIBLIOGRAPHY, at the end of the text:

In addition, there will be a section of Bibliography at the end of the text, with all the references included in the footnotes. It will follow an alphabetic order of authors or titles, without distinguishing the kind of publication of the texts (monographies, periodic publications, online resources).

In the final Bibliography, each reference will be separated with a blank line. The Surname/s and Name of the authors will be repeated integrally even when they belong to the author of the previous reference.


In the text it will offer reference of the unpublished or revised documents that are used. If a documentary reference has already been published, the first publication that made it known will be cited.

The archives, public or private, will be fully identified, including the location if necessary. It should include the mention of the volume, book or record of which the document is a part, as well as the corresponding page, pages or folios if the volume is numbered.

Archivo Histórico Nacional [AHN], Órdenes Militares, Caballeros de Santiago, Expediente 8649, ff. 3-6.

Second and subsequent quotations:

AHN, OM, Santiago, Exp. 8649, f. 4.


The illustrations that belong to the author will have to be original. If the photographies are not a property of the author, their origin will have to be mentioned in the caption. The author will be responsible for obtaining the authorisation for their publication. If any illustration had been taken from another publication, its original source will be mentioned in the caption of the illustration.

The illustrations (photographies, maps, graphics…) included in the text will be sent apart in jpg or tif format with a quality of 300 ppp and a minimum size of 10 cm in one of their sides. Each image will have to be attached as a jpg file and the place where it should be added will be mentioned in the text with this kind of signs: (Fig. 1), (Fig. 2)...

The corresponding captions of the illustrations will be indicated in a separated text document with a list of them. The caption will contain in this order: the Title of the work in italics.(full stop) Authorship. (full stop) Dating. (full stop) Place, Museum, Institution or Collection where it is preserved. (full stop) Locality (full stop).


Fig. 1. Capilla de la Cruz. Juan Pérez de Solarte. 1547. Abadía de Santa María la Real. Nájera (La Rioja).


The originals that don't fulfil these rules will be returned to the author in order to make the required changes.

The authors will receive a digital copy of the journal's volume where their texts were published. That digital copy will be available to be printed in paper format.

For transparency, but to protect the name of the reviewers, every three years the list of those who have intervened in the review of published texts will be published through the blind peer system.

Storage, preservation of the journal and databases:

The complete volumes of the journal and their papers are permanently stored in the archives of the University of Cantabria Web Services. In addition, issues of the journal are preserved in the Public Knowledge Project - Preservation Network (PKP/PLN) LOCKSS; also in the Proyect JASPER (CLOCKSS). Apart from the guarantees of the OJS journals, the content is also stored in Recolecta and Dialnet, because Santander. Estudios de Patrimonio is an e-Dialnet journal with its complete texts stored in Dialnet.

In addition, the texts of the journal can be found in UCrea –open archive of the University of Cantabria– as well as in DOAJ –Directory of Open Access Journals–, ISSN ROAD, Recolecta, Sherpa Romeo, DULCINEAMIAR, Scopus, ERIH PLUS, CIRCMir@bel, SUDOC, UlrichswebRegesta Imperii, RILM, EBSCO, ZDB Latindex (Catálogo v2.0), InDICEs CSIC, UNE, Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index), REBID -Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y , Científico-, Scilit, OpenAlex, Base, Internet Archive ScholarWorldCatGoogle Scholar, Microsoft Academic, CORE, Semantic Scholar, LA Referencia.

In order to properly and unequivocally identify the texts, each article has a DOI –Digital Object Identifier– number assigned, which is managed by Crossref through Ediciones Universidad de Cantabria.

See also the section with the Publication ethics and best practices in research

Other information for the authors:

The journal does not charge any amount to the authors for sending, processing, or publishing their articles.

The journal is open access and offers its texts in pdf, epub and html. The texts are offered in the Unican journal repository. Also, you can see and download the texts freely in Dialnet as it is an e-Dialnet magazine, that is, it has full texts hosted in Dialnet.

The papers is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

  • The journal Santander. Estudios de Patrimonio retains the copyright of the published texts, but it promotes and allows the reutilization of them under the Creative Commons licence Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0, as it is explained in the section Licence and in this link.
  • All the texts of this journal are published in the electronic edition of the journal under the indicated licence that allows to copy, use, spread, transmit and expose them publicly, as long as the author, the URL and the journal are mentioned, and the texts are not used for commercial purposes.
  • The authors agree with the licence of use of this journal, with the autoarchive conditions and with the open access policy.
  • In case of reutilization of the works published in this journal, the editorial source must be mentioned. Thus, the following statement established by the editor must be included: 
    - Originally published in Santander. Estudios de Patrimonio in the [number] of the year [year in digit], University of Cantabria (Spain). Furthermore, a link to the edito's version must be provided, including this sentence: The original publication is available in Santander. Estudios de Patrimonio (including the link).


The papers sent to this section will be evaluated by blind peers. The authors will be informed of the evaluation carried out and of the corrections that, if necessary, should be incorporated.

Works and initiated researches

This section includes original research by doctoral students, as well as research arising from Master's theses, as long as the text does not form part of an academic work to be uploaded to an institutional repository in the near future. This section can also be used to publish advances of works and state of the art of new research by future PhD student.

The texts sent to this section will be evaluated by blind peers. The authors will be informed of the evaluation carried out and of the corrections that, if necessary, should be incorporated.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, General Data Protection (RGPD), Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights and other regulations in force regarding the protection of personal data, we inform you that your data will be incorporated into a computerized file whose managers are the editors of the magazine, and will be used exclusively for the established purposes. By filling in the established form you consent to the use and processing of your data for the stated purposes, being able to exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, limitation and portability of your data by expressing it in writing to the following email address Likewise, we inform you that the University of Cantabria has a Data Protection Delegate, who can be reached at If you consider that the processing of your data does not comply with current legislation, you can file a claim with the control authority at For more information, see our Data Protection Policy.