Two afiligrated Gothic crosses of Augerius in Maluenda (Zaragoza), around 1300
processional cross, Lignum crucis, filigree, silvermithing, goldsmithing, Gothic, 1300, Zaragoza, Maluenda, Burgos, AugeriusAbstract
The current study reveals two nearly unpublished Gothic crosses that were thought to date from the Late Middle Ages. As a result of the comparative study and the interpretation of the text recorded in one of the crosses, the author is identified as the silversmith Augerius. Fray Martín de Maluenda, abbot of the Piedra monastery intermittently from 1284 to 1313, is proposed as the manager of these manufactures. The crosses are covered with filigree threads and they were originally aniconic crosses following the Hispanic tradition. Theses crosses are almost unknown despite their virtuous elaboration and their trascendental importance for the study of Spanish and European silverware.
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