Agustin Ibarrola in Cantabria (1963-2014)
Historical, political and cultural context around his plascic arts
Agustín Ibarrola; artistic heritage of Cantabria; public art; art and politics in Spain.Abstract
The historical, political and cultural context of several key moments in the work of the painter and sculptor Agustín Ibarrola is studied following the common thread of his contributions to the artistic and cultural heritage of Cantabria. from the sixties to 2014. Various artistic landmarks are included, such as the painting exhibitions (Santander, 1963 and 1974, Torrelavega, 1980), sculpture (Santander, 1997 and Santillana del Mar, 2000), as well as various works of sculptural art public (Auditorium of the University of Cantabria, Santander, 2000, Campa de la Magdalena, Santander, 2005, and Reinosa, 2013-2014)
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