The Saint Sebastian from the Sacred Art Museum of Teruel: an unprecedented sculpture by Geörg Stieger (1657-1720)




Geörg Stieger, Saint Sebastian, sculpture, 18th century, Sacred Art Museum, Teruel


The present paper is intended to carry out the first historical-artistic study of an unprecedented sculpture signed by the Italian artist Geörg Stieger (1657-1720) and preserved in the Sacred Art Museum of Teruel. This object is one of the very few surviving autograph works by the author and his only carve known in our country till the date. Besides approaching Stieger’s mysterious and artistic personality, we have carried out an iconographic study of the piece and reviewed the possible models from which the artist may have drawn to create this exquisite sculpture. Furthermore, we have been able to determine the work’s arrival to Teruel.


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How to Cite

CAMBRA SÁNCHEZ-GIL, Álvaro. (2023). The Saint Sebastian from the Sacred Art Museum of Teruel: an unprecedented sculpture by Geörg Stieger (1657-1720). Santander. Estudios De Patrimonio, (6), 443–462.



Works and initiated researches