VASALLO TORANZO, Luis, Los Fonseca. Linaje y patronato artístico, Valladolid, Universidad de Valladolid, 2018

ISBN: 979-84-8448-983-2


  • Cruz María MARTÍNEZ MARÍN Universidad de Cantabria



Fonseca, patronage, review, Renaissance, Luis Vasallo, Collecting, Nobility


Contrary to the common belief that Fonseca's and Mendoza's patronage were the drive of Renaissance Art in Spain, Luis Vasallo Toranzo pictures a much more complex perspective on the matter, and that is that within these lines we find family branches that would contradict what we thought so far. If the Fonseca family has traditionally been considered as one of the lineages responsible for the process of introducing the "Roman" language in Castile, Vasallo demonstrates that not all family members felt the need to proclaim the aesthetic changes of Italy. The research affirms and proves that some of them expressed a clear preference for Gothic, Moorish, Mudejar or even combined techniques that we now consider different styles at the same time.


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How to Cite

MARTÍNEZ MARÍN, C. M. (2019). VASALLO TORANZO, Luis, Los Fonseca. Linaje y patronato artístico, Valladolid, Universidad de Valladolid, 2018: ISBN: 979-84-8448-983-2. Santander. Estudios De Patrimonio, (2), 376–378.