A historical person from several points of view: Richard Lionheart in literature, cinema, chronicles and documents





Richard Lionheart, novels, cinema, Crusades, Medieval England, Walter Scott, Robin Hood, chronicles, documents


Richard I of England, known as the Lionheart, is one of the most famous and legendary people in History. He appears in a lot of novels and movies as a hero of the Crusades or as a dethroned king by his brother John in the time of Robin Hood. His description has been changing and his acts have been judged more severely over the years. The main purpose of this study is to contrast what literature and cinema showed with the scarce documentary heritage about this king.


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How to Cite

RODRÍGUEZ LAJUSTICIA, F. S. (2020). A historical person from several points of view: Richard Lionheart in literature, cinema, chronicles and documents. Santander. Estudios De Patrimonio, (3), 297–330. https://doi.org/10.22429/Euc2020.sep.03.09