Description and analysis of an 18th century violin from a private Spanish collection: Matthia Popella, Napoli 17..?


  • José Ignacio BARRÓN GARCÍA Profesor del Liceo Statale "Virgilio" de Roma



Matthias Poppeller, Mathia Popeller, German school of lutherie, classical Neapolitan school of violin making, baroque violin, luthier


This article describes and analyzes a violin from a private Spanish collection, of uncertain authorship and geographical origin, assigned to the German school of the 18th century. It may be the work of the master Geigenbauer Matthias Poppeller, who arrived in Naples in 1685, following a long tradition begun in the 16th century by other transalpine craftsmen who built string instruments. This fact contributed decisively to the conformation of the classical Neapolitan school of violin making during the 18th and 19th centuries. The author focuses his study on three fundamental sections: the label, the aesthetic and formal characteristics, and the sound aspects of the instrument.


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How to Cite

BARRÓN GARCÍA, J. I. (2020). Description and analysis of an 18th century violin from a private Spanish collection: Matthia Popella, Napoli 17.?. Santander. Estudios De Patrimonio, (3), 81–120.