The renovation of the church of Saint Emerentiana of La Puebla de Valverde (Teruel) during the 16th and 17th centuries




Juan Cambra; Alonso de Barrio de Ajo; Renaissance; renaissance architecture; Aragonese architecture, Juan Cambra, Alonso de Barrio de Ajo, Renaissance, Renaissance architecture, Aragonese architecture, Aragon


The church of Saint Emerentiana in La Puebla de Valverde (Teruel), built in the Middle Ages, was restored during the 16th and 17th centuries. In this paper we analyse the documents of the canonical visitations from the Archdiocese of Zaragoza which contain information about the old building, and we continue exploring the successive construction work phases. To achieve this purpose we use well-known published references and we add some new ones that show how were the church and the altarpieces from the inside before their destruction in the Spanish Civil War.


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How to Cite

CALVO ASENSIO, J. C. (2021). The renovation of the church of Saint Emerentiana of La Puebla de Valverde (Teruel) during the 16th and 17th centuries. Santander. Estudios De Patrimonio, (4), 153–176.



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