Agustín Ibarrola: national and international art exhibitions (1963-1969)

Broadcasting through Radio España Independiente




Agustín Ibarrola, Francoist repression, Communist Party of Spain, PCE, Radio España Independiente


The Basque painter and engraver Agustín Ibarrola was sentenced in 1962 to nine years of imprisonment for his political activism against the Francoist regime. During his captivity in the prison of Burgos he made an underground artistic work of unquestionable testimonial value, which was exhibited in London, Amsterdam, Bologna, Paris, Frankfurt and other European cities between 1963 and 1969, due to the support network of the Communist Party of Spain and other international organizations for human rights. These exhibitions were only known in Spain through Radio España Independiente, which broadcasted from Bucharest.


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ANGULO BARTUREN, Javier, Ibarrola ¿un pintor maldito? (Arte vasco de postguerra, 1950-1977, de Aránzazu a la Bienal de Venecia), San Sebastián, L. Haranburu Editor, 1978.

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GIMÉNEZ PERICÁS, Antonio, Burgos, Prisión Central, París, Editions de la Librairie du Globe, 1965.

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LEÓN, María Teresa y ALBERTI, Rafael, “Prólogo. Burgos, Prisión Central”, en GIMÉNEZ PERICÁS, Antonio, Burgos, París, Editions de la Librairie du Globe, 1965. pp. 10-11.

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LUMBRERAS, Juan Manuel, 50 Aniversario de la Escuela Vasca de Arte, Bilbao, Galería de Arte Juan Manuel Lumbreras, 2016, [consulta: 4 de mayo de 2019], disponible:

MARTELLI, Adriana; BOARINI, Vittorio; SOLDATI, Mario y SOLMI, Franco (coms.), Bologna antifascista per Agustín Ibarrola, Bologna, Comune di Bologna-Consiglio provinciale federativo della Resistenza, 1964.

PLANS, Marcel, “Radio España Independiente, ‘La Pirenaica’. Entre el mito y la propaganda”, en BASSETS, Lluis (Ed.), De las ondas rojas a las radios libres, Texto para la historia de las radios, Barcelona, Gustavo Gili, 1981, pp. 114-130.

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How to Cite

LORDUY-OSÉS, L. (2019). Agustín Ibarrola: national and international art exhibitions (1963-1969): Broadcasting through Radio España Independiente. Santander. Estudios De Patrimonio, (2), 191–240.